The Holidays are Coming but the Fishing Isn’t Taking a Break

The Lady Pamela Sportfishing Fleet is having a festive time offshore and inshore as the holiday season approaches. We’re catching Sailfish, Wahoo, Kingfish, Bonitos, Grouper, Barracudas and even Tarpon inshore!

We would also like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to every single one of our incredible clients who fished with us aboard the Lady Pamela Sportfishing Fleet in 2019! You are the “reason for the season” all year long and we very much look forward to fishing with you in 2020.

NOW is the time to book your holiday/winter fishing trip now that the bite is a present that gets opened every day here in lovely South Florida! 

Fishing Report

Sailfish are Home for the Holidays

We’ve starting to finally see a few cold fronts this month – for us, a “cold front” is when the mercury dips below 60 degrees – and this has pushed the schools of Sailfish down our way. The Sailfish are in town and on the feed. Our clients have been putting up big numbers of Sailfish catches and releases as our Fleet focuses almost exclusively on fishing live baits underneath our fishing kites.

Kite-fishing is a truly amazing and engaging experience as you get to see the Sailfish AS THEY EAT the bait. We can fish up to three (3) live baits per kite, with at least two (2) kites up at any one time. We’re fishing between 80 and 200 feet of water. We’ve also had luck shallower than 80 feet as we watch Sailfish “free jumping” in the midst of Ballyhoo schools up on the reef. 

Wahoos Looking for Stuffing

The recent moon phases caused another late fall/early winter Wahoo bonanza! One of the fastest fish in the sea, Wahoos can melt drags and break hearts if you’re not ready for them. Fortunately, the Lady Pamela Sportfishing Team is ready, willing and able to tame these shiny, striped bait burglars. The November Wahoos have been crushing our strip baits trolled below the surface on planer along with as Islanders with ballyhoo in both the blue/white and red/black color combinations. We’ve been finding the Wahoos in between 150 and 450 feet of water. We’ve also hooked a few Wahoo slow trolling live bullet Bonitos over the wrecks for Barracudas and Black Grouper. Few things make an angler weak in the knees like watching a Wahoo empty your spool on one of their patented runs! After a long fight and bringing a Wahoo aboard, you’ll enjoy the fact that you get to invite a tasty fish home for dinner.

As we’re trolling our specially-crafted strips, we’re also catching sizable Kingfish and Bonitos.

Greedy Groupers and Bully Barracudas

We’ve also been targeting huge Black Groupers on the reefs in around 60 feet of water trolling plugs and double-hooked ballyhoo rigs.

These Groupers have been huge so you had better invite your entire neighborhood over for dinner when you bring back this aggressive and tasty critter.

Speaking of aggressive, our clients have been catching some huge Barracudas like the one below:

We’ve been catching these sea monsters on trolled strip baits and live “bullet” bonitos. These fish are tackle busters so be sure to eat a big breakfast before tangling with these dudes.

Exciting Inshore Tarpon Trips Still Available!

The Mullet Run is over but the Tarpon are still active..and hungry. Give us a call to get an amazing workout and witness one of the most acrobatic saltwater species in the world!

Drift Fishing Report: Kings, Snappers, Snappers and More Snappers

On the Lois Ann, our daily trips – 3 each day – are producing Kingfish, Bonito, Tirggerfish, Grunts and various species of Snapper such as Yellowtails, Muttons and Vermillions and Groupers. We’re also catching the occasional Sailfish and Cobia and expect more of each as we make our way into the winter months. Our nighttime trips also continue to deliver on Grouper and Snapper. Book a trip NOW to get in on this amazing action after the sun goes down. 

Fort Lauderdale Fishing

For only $45, come on aboard and gain access to some of the hardest-fighting and tastiest fish that swim. We’re the best fishing value in all of South Florida! Remember all ages and experience levels are always welcome.  We have a captain and mate on board to help you at all times.  We also have one of the cleanest vessels in the southeastern US and we have a fully-stocked galley to keep you hydrated and well-fed!

Come join us to take part in this action! Do you have a large group that wants to go fishing? No problem. We are the only boat in the area that can take more than 6 people on one single boat, so please give us a call as soon as you know your dates. Also, give us a call to ask about our discounted holiday trip rates!

We at Lady Pamela Sportfishing wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving.

Tight Lines,
Captain David