Big Brothers / Big Sisters Go Fishing!

This past week was full of exciting sportfishing adventures offshore Fort Lauderale/Hollywood.  We had some great customers catch their first and personal best species as well as some awesome junior anglers showing up the adults.
Over the weekend, our good friend John was back with his Big Brothers/Big Sister annual fishing trip.  It is with great honor that John selects us each year for his sportfishing charter and it is our passion to take kids fishing. With calm seas and scattered rain storms, we used our radar to keep the kids out of the rain the best we could while putting them on kingfish and bonita.  Seeing their smiles while reeling in the big catch is just one of the great joys in life.  As a father, I look forward to the day when my daughter can reel in her first fish and I feel that way with all the kids we fish with here at Lady Pamela.
Big Brothers - Big Sisters Fishing
Offshore we have been trolling mostly as it has been slick calm.  Finding current or edges has been key and generally we have been finding the fish in about 90 to 140 feet of water.  Using planers and sea witches we are getting kingfish, bonita and blackfin tuna. Some of the kings have been up to 40 pounds which smoke line off a reel making for a great fight.
The mahi have been around good when the wind is coming out of the Southeast and gone when the wind switches.  Located them in the tower under frigate birds has been the best.  Live bait or chunk bait when they get close seals the deal.
Big mahi
On the last day of May we had an unusual surprise.  There was a huge push of sailfish in our area.  Some of the boats caught double digits in just a half day.  This is pretty rare for the summer and was a welcomed sight for my clients.

On the drift boat (Lois Ann), our night chum trips have been the most productive with a large amount of Yellowtails.  Don’t be afraid to go out when it is raining. In fact, the rain works in your favor as it cools down the surface water temperatures helping to raise fish to our chum slick even better.
yellowtail snapper fishing
That’s the report for now.  The forecast this week calls for flat seas and scattered showers.  As I said, don’t be timid to work with he rain.  The fishing is usually great and the fish don’t mind get wait, nor does your captain or crew.  It is nice to escape the heat of the summer as well.
Tight Lines,
Captain David